25th FAI-ART International Conference 2022
Multidisciplinary Scientific Intelligence in New Normal Digital Era
15-19 October 2022

School of Management, Shinawatra University, Pathum Thani, Thailand
Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University,
Palisuksa Buddhagosa Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Mahamakut Buddhist University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Kindly note that, if you feel your contribution does not fit into any of the given categories, you are welcome to make your submission in the last listed others category
Papers original in idea and not published elsewhere are invited on the mentioned themes and related areas. The abstract limited to 1000 words along with the name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail, mobile number, and corresponding address should be emailed on the mentioned email address. Maximum five keywords should be given along with the abstract. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman Fonts, 12 points regular, single spacing, and 2.54 cm margin on all sides. The title should be written in 14 points; author(s) name should be in bold 11 fonts and affiliation in 12 points italics. The information about the acceptance will be sent to the authors at their emails and after acceptance, the registration form and registration fee should be transferred electronically.
In the case of multiple authors, there must be an intimation regarding the paper presenter and others.
Please note that the "Certificate of Presentation" shall be awarded to the paper presenter only, participant(s) shall be awarded "Certificate of Participation".
All Author will have to register separately. A single author presenting multiple papers should register for each paper separately.
The full-length research articles and Abstract must be submitted on EasyChair
or at email faterindia@gmail.com
The format for the full paper as on Springer Template or download the templates using the link:
Paper Publication
Authors are asked to submit original Full papers of a minimum of 8 to 10 pages in the Springer Conference proceeding template. All submitted papers will be subjected to a Blind Peer Review and "Similarity (plagiarism) Test" by plagiarism checker. Paper clearing the similarity test will undergo a full paper review. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected without a formal review.
All the presented articles will be processed as per the recommendation of editorial board, for publication in the Scopus Indexed Springer series Lecture Notes and Network System Series (Print ISSN: 2367-3370) as per terms and conditions of Springer.
As per the recommendation of editorial board, selected Articles will be referred for publication in prestigious Thai Journal "International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism (ISSN: 2730-3306): Indexed in Thai Journal System".
Authors are advised to book their hard copies of the proceedings in advance at email:
Important Dates
Submission of Abstract: 20 September 2022
Acceptance of Abstract: 25 September 2022
Submission of full-length Paper: 30 September 2022
Registration Deadline: 28 September 2022
*Registration Fee
International Conference- Physical Mode
Category | Participant (** with full length Paper) |
#Foriegn Academicians (Non FAI Life Members$) | $ 365 USD |
#Foriegn Academicians (FAI Life Members)** | $ 315 USD |
Greater-Mekong Subregion Academicians | $ 150 USD |
Online Paper Presenters* | $ 150 USD |
#Family Followers per person | $ 260 USD |
Registration fee will be submitted through online link as mentioned in the registration form.
** All the FAI Life Members will process their registration form through the General Secretary FAI otherwise they will be treated as Non-FAI life member.
For registration details and payment link, contact at email: generalsecretaryfai@gmail.com
$ Non-FAI life members, Foreign Academicians, Greater-Mekong subregion Academicians, online presenters and Family Followers will pay their registration fees through the registration section mentioned in the conference website.
# Registration Fee include Accommodation (Sharing Basis) Breakfast, Dinner and Academic Trips during from 14th Oct evening to 20th Oct Morning, 2022.
The paid registration fees are not refunded.
Delegates must bear the Service Charge/transaction charge (if any) of the bank in the Sender's Side
The above Registration fees are for strictly one participant only. If more than one author from the same paper wants to attend in the physical mode, they will have to make separate registrations for the certificate of participation under the clause of family followers per person.
* Online presenters as a co-authors may contact for the certificate of the participation to the organizing committee as per its terms and conditions.
Greater Mekong sub-region participants pay registration fees through payment link mentioned in the registration form.
If they require Thai Bank account details for registration fee payment, send a mail at faterindia@gmail.com