Dr. Sreedevi S. L.
Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Sreedevi S. L.
Strong desire to become successful by learning and sharing knowledge. Prepare students to be responsible learners, and to make them capable of playing leading role in development of Nation.
Educational Qualification
Ø Ph.D. in Mathematics on, ‘Selected Topics in Graphs and Respective Codes’, August 2019, University of Kerala as full-time scholar (January 2014 - October 2018). Ph.D. awarded by the syndicate on 8/8/2019.
Ø M. Phil. Mathematics from University of Kerala, A grade, 2005.
Ø M.Sc. Mathematics from University of Kerala, 2000 – 2002.
Ø B.Sc. Mathematics from University of Kerala, 1997 – 2000.
Ø At present actively engaged in post research work on the construction of codes with desirable properties on error detection and correction using graphs as a tool. Also dealing with graph invariants on various structures.
Ø Three months experience as guest lecturer in Mathematics, NSS College for Women, Neeramankara (July 2019- October 2019). Taught Real and Complex Analysis for S5, Number theory for S3 (B.Sc. Mathematics Main), Statistics and Probability, and Fourier Series (subsidiary subjects for S3 Physics and Chemistry Main streams). Played a key role to arrange informative talks for the students by experts in the field.
Ø One year experience of teaching Technical Mathematics for Diploma students in Central Polytechnic, Vattiyoorkavu, as guest lecturer in Mathematics (Academic year 2013- 2014). The task of assessing and grading 150+ student’s progress throughout the year was also carried out. Provided support to those students who required extra guidance.
Ø One year experience of teaching Graduate students at The Institute of Distance education, University of Kerala (Academic year 2005-2006). Graph Theory and complex analysis were taught.
Ø Preparation of study materials for Graduate students under The School of Distance Education, University of Kerala (Discrete Mathematics for B.Sc. Computer Science course, 2014 - 2015 admissions.)
Ø Preparation of study materials for Post Graduate students under The Institute of Distance education, University of Kerala (Algebra for M.Sc. Mathematics main; Academic year 2005-2006)
List of Publications
Ø * Recently submitted a Research Paper to South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences and waiting for reviewers report.
Ø N. Suresh Babu, Sreedevi S. L., ‘Vertex Codes of Graphs’, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 100, Number 3, 2018, pp 197 - 215. ISSN: 0972-0960, http://www.pphmj.com.
Ø N. Suresh Babu, G. Suresh Singh, Sreedevi S. L., ‘Graphs and Codes’, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology’, Vol.56, April 2018, Page No. 1-9. ISSN: 2231-5373, http://www.ijmttjournal.org.
Ø G. Suresh Singh, Sreedevi S. L., ‘Neighbourhood Polynomials Derived Through Binary operations on Graphs’, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.7, Issue 3, March 2018, Page No. 437- 451. ISSN: 2320-0294, http://www.ijesm.co.in.
Ø G. Suresh Singh, Sreedevi S. L., ‘Cartesian product and Neighbourhood Polynomial of a Graph’, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology’, Vol.49, September 2017, Page No. 33-37. ISSN: 2231-5373, http://www.ijmttjournal.org.
Ø G. Suresh Singh, Sreedevi S. L., ‘Vertex Polynomials Derived Through Various Graph Theoretical Operations’, Indian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.13, No.2, July- December 2017, Page No. 357-367. ISSN: 0973-3329.
List of Presentations
Ø ‘Neighbourhood Polynomials Derived Through Binary operations on Graphs’, at The National Conference on Discrete and Computational Mathematics, organized by The Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, January 2018.
Ø ‘Binary Codes from Graph Polynomials’, at The International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Management, organized by Department of Mathematics, K. E. College, Mannanam, Kottayam, March 2017.
Ø ‘Some Results on Graph Polynomials’, at The International Conference on Agriculture, Science, Technology, Management and Social Science, organized by FATER Academy of India in Collaboration with Carmel College of Arts Science and Commerce for Women, Goa, November 2016.
Ø ‘Study on some relation between Codes and Graphs’,at The National Multi-Disciplinary Annual Research Conference, organized by the IQAC and School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, December 2015.
Organizing Skills and Related Activities
Ø Played a key role in bringing out the first ever department magazine of The Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, as an editorial board member for the three consecutive academic years (2014-17). The financial aid for the purpose was raised by collecting advertisements from Government as well as the Public Sectors.
Ø Active member in the organizing committees of various National as well as International Seminars and workshops organized by The Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala (2014-18).
Ø Active member in organizing the first ever International Conference organized by FATER Academy of India (Now FAI) in Collaboration with Carmel College of Arts Science and Commerce for Women, Goa, November 2016.
Ø Successfully played the role of parent teacher in Mathematics at the Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir School, to support the weak students in Mathematics to face CBSE Board Exam.
Ø Inducing Positive attitude towards learning
Ø Capable of getting best out of students and developing positive classroom environment
Ø Adaptable teaching style to meet student requirement
Ø Coordinate team work
Ø Hard Working
Ø Positive attitude
Personal Details
Date of Birth : 01- 03-1980
Nationality : Indian
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Dependent : One male child of 10years age
Languages Known : English, Hindi and Malayalam
Permanent Address : Latha Bhavan , K.P.N.R.A 106
Kanjirampara Post
Thiruvananthapuram, PIN 695030
Present Location : New Delhi
1. Dr. N. Suresh Babu
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mathematics
University College
Mob: 9446309437
2. Dr. Ramesh Kumar P.
Associate Professor& Head
Dept. of Mathematics
University of Kerala
Karyavattom Campus
Mob: 9447127873
3. Dr.R. Kala
Dept. of Mathematics
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Tirunelveli 627012
Mob: 9486902837