Dr. N. Anbazhagan
Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Tamilnadu, India.
Dr. N. Anbazhagan has received his Ph.D. degree from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, in the area of stochastic modelling and analyses of two commodity inventory system. He has 21 years of research experience in the area of stochastic inventory modeling, Graph theory and Datamining. He has actively engaged in Stochastic Modeling of Inventory Management Systems, specifically, modeling of two commodity continuous review inventory systems with coordinated and joint ordering policies and Queueing-Inventory system with retrial customers. Also he is working in the stochastic inventory system with service facilities and continuous review substitutable inventory system. Nine research scholars are completed their Ph. D. and presently five Ph.D. scholars are doing research under his guidance. He has published 92 research papers in foreign periodicals, 2 in Indian periodicals and 10 in the national/international conference proceedings. All these papers are of good standard and highly application oriented. He has authored one edited book entitled “Stochastic Processes and Models in Operations Research” IGI Global USA. He has authored four chapters in three different edited books. He has presented 17 research papers in the technical sessions of various National / International conferences and delivered 85 invited lectures in various National conferences and 24 invited lectures in various International conferences. He has organized two International and four National level seminars.
He has received “Young Scientist award(2004)” from DST, New Delhi, “Young Scientist Fellowship(2005) from TNSCST, Chennai, “Career award for Young Teachers(2005) from AICTE, New Delhi, Sri P. K. Das Memorial Best Faculty Award (2013) from Nehru Group of Institutions, Coimbatore, Research Award (2014) from UGC, New Delhi, Outstanding Researcher Award(2017) from International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Chandigarh, Tamilnadu Scientist Award(2017) from Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai, Excellence Award (2018) from Association of Inventory Academicians and Practitioners and Conferred in the First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Inventory, Supply Chain & Reliability Modeling, held during 21-23 December, 2018 at Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi and Best Paper Award (2019) in the “International Conference on Mathematical Engineering Applications for Sustainable Development", held during August 16-18, 2019, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He has investigated three research projects, funded by DST, NBHM, and UGC. He presented his work in the conferences held at Malaysia(2006) and Switzerland(2007) and visited Germany(2006) for doing a collaborative research. He delivered invited talk in the following various International conferences: “International Science Congress” Thailand (2017) held at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, “International Conference On Recent Trends in Humanities and Science", held during October 25-27, 2018, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia, “International Conference On Challenges and Opportunities in Multidisciplinary Research", held during October 27-28, 2018, National University of Singapore, Singapore, "International Conference On Mathematical Engineering Applications for Sustainable Development", held during August 16-18, 2019, University of Malaya, Meeting room 18-1, Wisma R&D, Kualalampur, Malaysia and the "ISM Seminar", held on August 19, 2019, Department of Mathematics, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
He is editorial board member of the journals American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Asian journal of Applied Research, Applied Mathematics and Sciences and Cogent Business & Management and acting as a reviewer of many journals include International Journal of System Sciences, Neural Computing Applications, Simulation Modeling and Practice. He is a Chief Editor of a special issue of the journal Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computing. He has been serving as Doctoral Committee member and also examiner for Ph.D. thesis of various Universities. He is a life member of different professional bodies such as FATER Academy of India, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Indian Science Congress Association, Indian Society of Technical Education and International Association of Engineers, Hongkong. His h-index is 15 and i10- index is 24 according to Google Scholar citation reportin the year 2022. He has served as Coordinator for UGC-SAP(DRS-I)(2016-21) and DST-FIST(level-I).